Please contact me for any specs, plays, and other writing samples.


Selected Plays

Too Much and Not Enough

(1F) 60 MINS

who are we if not the stories we tell ourselves….

They told her, “when you live your life like a hammer, everything starts to look like nails.” Lola would never call herself a hammer but she is quick to call someone a Fetish Man or Fake New Yorker…but only to those who deserve it of course. TOO MUCH AND NOT ENOUGH is a one-woman play that follows the story of a woman who recounts the events leading up to her twenty-six birthday party and the unraveling of the reality around her.

The Garbagemen

(1F) (1M) 60 MINS

R’amya starts her job as a content moderator, an individual who’s tasked with ridding social media feeds of disturbing content involving violence and sexual images. When she begins a romantic relationship with her neighbor, R’amya becomes increasingly paranoid that she has seen this man before…online. THE GARBAGEMEN examines the influence the online world has on our everyday lives, and the paranoia it leaves us.

Enough Love

(3F) 20 MINS

For Billie, Isa, and Evangeline, the more they learn about the world, the less they understand it. A play with interweaving narratives, Eminem’s 8 Mile final rap battle, and synchronized movement, ENOUGH LOVE examines how three biracial girls learn about love and identity through observing the relationships around them.

Kenyon College 2021 Alumni One-Act Festival

Help Wanted

(1F, 1M) 10 MINS

Stuck inside during the early days of the 2020 COVID pandemic, a couple’s intimacy is tested. HELPED WANTED is a comedy about a cam girl, her wig, and her independence.